The Day So Far
I showered and am having waffles before I go into work. My coworker texted me that a weirdo customer that we don't like may or may not be coming in. -_- All signs point to crazy, at this point.
School starts on Tuesday, and I still have to get my textbook.
Also, I uploaded the actual Dr. Horrible soundtrack my friend sent me last night. I'd been listening to the soundtrack ripped from the movie for the longest time, and this one is MUCH better, obviously. Everything is so clear and beautiful.
News/Stuff About Celebrities and Movies/Music/TV Shows/etc.
Movie You Should Be Excited About:
Directed by Shane Acker, and produced by Tim Burton, it's based on the short film, '9', created by Shane Acker, which is here:
It's really creepy, and I think it will do really well. Has a really good cast too; Elijah Wood, John C. Reilly, Crispin Glover, Jennifer Connolly, Christopher Plummer.
Celebrity News:
Edward Norton is going to be in the movie '
I haven't seen a lot of Edward Norton in the press lately. The most recent thing I heard about him was that he was going to be playing twins in 'Leaves of Grass'.
Funny Picture(s) I've Found:

The Song Currently Stuck In My Head:
'Welcome Home' by Coheed and Cambria. This is the only song of theirs that I actually like, and it is the most epic. Someone called the guitar solo "the best guitar riff 1985 never had", and I believe it.
Hot Guy Of the Day
Jason Segel. Total cutie. Oh man. Check him out on 'Freaks and Geeks'. Actually, just check that show out anyway.

-Patton Oswalt: "My Mom told me if it's quiet for more than 50 minutes, goblins come out of the ground and rape you."
Anything Else I Can Think Of
Band You Should Be Listening To:

I Want:
The complete Bone series. Also, this is a graphic novel everyone needs to start reading yesterday. If it were an animated series, it would be bigger than 'Avatar: The Last Airbender', and that is not something to say lightly. The characters are well-rounded, and there's just enough suspense and intrigue to make you forget it's almost a kid's comic book.

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