General Blogging
Well, despite my best efforts, I have once again begun neglecting this thing. This time letting two months go by before I make a real blog post. When I use my Livejournal {see, Tim, not only Russians and emos use LJ still}, I use it as my diary, and to mainly help me keep track of all the things I do on a given day/week/whenever I update it. As it is, I can barely remember to make a daily post on that thing, so this gets more neglect.
I'm sorry little blogger. As Muse say, this is the last time I'll abandon you.
News/Stuff About Celebrities and Movies/Music/TV Shows/etc.
Most Recent Movie(s) I've Seen in Theatres:

It didn't disappoint. The action was great, the dialogue was awesome, especially between Tony and Pepper. Robert Downey Jr. was amazing. He's always good, but he's become a hugely favorite actor of mine. And not just because I think he's gorgeous beyond belief. I liked him a lot in 'Zodiac', and he hadn't even blipped on my radar yet.
The only issues I had were the villain/villains; Whiplash and Justin Hammer. It seemed like they could have just gone with one or the other of them. It was nowhere near as bad as the trifecta of villains in 'Spiderman 3', though. I also had an issue with the inclusion of Scarlett as the Black Widow. She seemed very unnecessary, especially since we never found out who she was, aside from her name.
Those things aside, I loved the movie, and can't wait to see it again.
Grade: A
Most Recent Book(s) I've Finished:
The Chronicles of Chrestomanci, Volume 2: The Magicians of Caprona / Witch Week by Diana Wynne Jones

Anyway, all of that aside, I very much enjoyed this book. Diana Wynne Jones is always put in the young adult section of the bookstores, next to the plethora of teenaged vampire and other supernatural books. And I agree that she is a young adult writer, but she is one of the better and more accessible ones out there today.
The stories contained in the book take place in two of the nine worlds in this universe. Every person has one life in each world, and witchcraft is very common among them, though is it not in every one. Chrestomanci is a title bestowed on an enchanter with nine lives, meaning that instead of having one life in each world, he has nine in only one. This distinguishes him as a very powerful enchanter, and the only person who is able to make sure the magical balance in each world stays as it is.
The Magicians of Caprona and Witch Week, while not as compelling as the two books in volume one; Charmed Life {which got me into Wynne Jones} and The Lives of Christopher Chant, are still good reads, and will keep you interested throughout the story. The characters, mostly children or teenagers, are written well and feel very real. They grow and change as the stories progress and you can see it as you read it.
Grade: A-
Funny Picture(s) I've Found:

The Song Currently Stuck In My Head:
'Alejandro' by Lady Gaga
Jackie Earle Haley:

Hot Guy Of the Day
Bradley Cooper.

Quote of the Day
"Hitler was a whiny teenager. He didn't get into art school so he killed all the Jews. And by the transitive property of Math, Hitler is Darth Vader."- Mary
Anything Else I Can Think Of
A Video You Need to See:
Bill Hader interviews himself about 'Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs'
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