The Day So Far
I started reading Joe College by Tom Perrotta during my breakfast, after not getting to sleep until 3:30 AM after trying to sleep for an hour. Ugh. It's what I get for staying up so late all the time.
News/Stuff About Celebrities and Movies/Music/TV Shows/etc.
Movie News:
So, it seems there's a new remake in the works every few weeks. Some of them I look at with kind of an "Eh, I guess that could work" sense of apathy growing deep within me. But, there are a few that fill me with a rage so profound that I'm in danger of exploding like the wind guy in 'Big Trouble in Little China'

"Near Dark
Michael Bay’s Platinum Dunes company is behind the remake of Kathryn Bigelow’s 1987 vampire flick. Attached to direct is Samuel Bayer, whose CV is filled primarily with musical videos to date. The film seems a little lost in development hell right now, however, and the release date is at best a few years away."
WHY?!!! WHY would you remake one of the best vampire movies EVER?!! AUGGGGGH!!! The director of the remake of 'Nightmare on Elm Street', starring Jackie Earle Haley as Freddy Krueger, is directing this. Cue my leeriness.
Steven Spielberg is bringing a new take to Oldboy than the 2003 Korean corker, with Will Smith attached to the project too. Smith has said that the film will be based on the original manga, rather than the film itself. Not strictly a remake, then, but you can bet that the overlap will be noticeable"
This doesn't fill me with rage more than it disgusts and terrifies me. The fact that Will Smith is going to be playing the main character is just....*shudders*. I haven't read the manga, but if the manga has even some of the plot of the movie...oh God.
Most Recent Movie(s) I've Seen At Home:

'Breaking Away', directed by Peter Yates, starring Dennis Quaid, Daniel Stern and Jackie Earle Haley. One of the best "coming of age"/"underdog" movies I've ever seen. I fell in love with all of these characters from the beginning, but especially Jackie's character Moocher {who I suspect is really named Mitchell. I mean, look at him. He looks like a Mitchell.}. He's such a cutie and it's one of my favourite characters Jackie has ever played, aside from Rorschach of course.
It has some of the best lines, too:
-Dave's father: "If you eat so much, Moocher, how come you're so damned small?"
-Moocher: "Oh... It's my metabolism. I eat 3 times a day and my metabolism eats 5 times a day."
If that's not a perfect way to describe Jackie, I don't know what is.
Grade: A
Funny Picture(s) I've Found:

The Song Currently Stuck In My Head:
'Goodbye to You' by Michelle Branch. I blame this largely on the fact that Allison posted this video from 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' on her Livejournal, which I had forgotten about and when I watched it it made me really upset.
Jackie Earle Haley:

Hot Guy Of the Day
Adam Baldwin

Quote of the Day
-Nicholas Angel: "What's the situation?"
-DS Andy Wainwright: "Two blokes and a fuck-load of cutlery!"
-'Hot Fuzz'
Anything Else I Can Think Of
A Video You Need to See:
Oh, Angel.
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