The Day So Far
Started watching 'From Hell', which I haven't done in years. Johnny Depp is QUITE attractive in this, even though he's an opium addict.
I really should read the graphic novel that this is based on, though I'm worried the movie will turn into a piece of shit for me :(
News/Stuff About Celebrities and Movies/Music/TV Shows/etc.
Most Recent Movie I Have Seen In Theatres:
'The Ugly Truth', directed by Robert Luketic. It wasn't bad as far as romantic comedies go. And compared to 'The Proposal', it's totally amazing. The story was different enough to keep me interested and wanting the main characters to end up together. I liked that the Main Male Character {MMC} wasn't the generic romantic lead guy. He was this abrasive, acerbic man who you normally wouldn't want near you. I totally wanted to either date him or have him be one of my friends. I'm not sure what that says about me.
Grade: B
Most Recent Movie I've Seen At Home:

'The Descent', directed by Neil Marshall, who also directed 'Dog Soldiers', another awesome movie, and 'Doomsday', which I haven't seen. Most of the horror movies out today are either shitty remakes or torture porn or both. Added to that that most of them are just NOT that scary and rely more on cheap scare tactics or making things just disgusting. And it was refreshing to see something that had genuine scares and also had the psychological terror that I crave in my horror movies. It takes place in a cave and made me feel claustrophobic and scared of heights and dark places, which is probably the intent, and so it did a good job. And I don't normally have those fears!
I'll tell you one thing, though. I won't be going into a cave anytime soon. And I sure as hell will never go caving. EVER.
Grade: A
Funny Picture(s) I've Found:

The Song currently Stuck In My Head:
'Love on the Rocks With No Ice' by The Darkness. One of my guilty pleasure bands, because they're so ridiculous you can't take them seriously. Kind of like Andrew W.K.
Hot Guy of the Day
Gerard Butler. Normally I don't think he's THAT attractive, but seeing him in 'The Ugly Truth' last night, oh mama. I wanted to be ON that.

Quote of the Day
-Patty: "You see, Aunt Selma has this crazy obsession with not dying alone. So, in desperation, she joined this prison pen-pal program. Her new sweetie's a jailbird."
-Bart: "Cool! He can show us how to kill a man with a lunch tray!"
Anything Else I Can Think Of
Band You Should Be Listening To:

You can't, can you?! Don't worry. I couldn't do it either.
I Want:

Muse's new album 'The Resistance'. It doesn't come out until September 15th. Whyyyyyyy?!
Until then, I can just listen to the single 'Uprising' for the 50th time.
A Video You Need To See:
For the record, anything by The Amazing Atheist is gold, and if you haven't seen his videos, you should be ashamed of yourself.
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