The Day So Far
I took a shower, did laundry and finished disc 1 of 'Dollhouse'. I'm just this side of interested in the show, aside from the fact that I really dislike the main character. Joss need to stop making his main female characters like Buffy/River {really the same person in some aspects}, and make them NORMAL women. He had it right with Kaylee, I think.
News/Stuff About Celebrities and Movies/Music/TV Shows/etc.
Actor News:
James Marsters is going to be on the first episode of the second season of 'Lie to Me*'. I can barely contain the excitement I feel about this...though I am hoping they have him speak in a British accent. He sounds weird when he's speaking in his normal American voice. Sad to say, but it's true.
Movie News- Mockery of the Week:
Diablo Cody, owner of one of the most annoying names ever, may be writing a Hugh Hefner biopic, which may or may not be starring Leonardo DiCaprio or Robert Downey Jr. as Hefner. Am I one of the only people who thinks she should just go away for awhile? What she's going to do is make this a "snappy, witty" movie about the Playboy magnate. It's going to be 'Juno' meets porn. I didn't mind the writing in 'Juno', but she made the character into an unlikable brat.
Most Recent Movie(s)/TV Show(s) I've Seen At Home:

Grade: A
Funny Picture(s) I've Found:

The Song Currently Stuck In My Head:
'Game of Pricks' by Guided By Voices. I first heard this on 'The IT Crowd' and it made me download their greatest hits, which is full of awesome music. 32 songs worth, to be exact.
Jackie Earle Haley:

Hot Guy Of the Day
Christian Bale.

-Seth McFarlane: "Do not wear a wool cap indoors in the middle of the summer unless you are either a douchebag or Colin Ferrell. Yes, Colin, I see you there with your wool cap. Whatcha got goin' on under that wool cap, hmm? Thinkin' 'bout your sideburns? Oh looks like you've got a little rip in your jeans too. Yeah that's rebellious. Yeah, you're a bad boy. Society wants those jeans to be intact, but you'll have none of it, will you?"
Anything Else I Can Think Of
Band You Should Be Listening To:

I Want:
A Video You Need to See:
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