The daily (hopefully) thoughts of a History major on everything from movies and actors to music and books, as well as any other things I can think of.
Monday, September 21, 2009
"I can't go to prison, Roy! They'll rape the flip out of me!"
They certainly will, Moss. Title is from 'The IT Crowd'. The Day So Far I hung out with Ben Moy all day watching 'The IT Crowd'. I bought the first two seasons at Best Buy, as well as the Watchmen game for the XBox...despite the fact I don't have one. We played the demo and then went on an "adventure" to Game Stop and Target to try and find it. No such luck until later in the evening.
Next on the buying list is a 360...but I am going to wait until they're $250 I think.
News/Stuff About Celebrities and Movies/Music/TV Shows/etc. Movie You Should Be Excited About: 'The Informant!'
Matt Damon, Tony Hale and Joel McHale in the same movie. I am so excited I can't even tell you. All of these actors I love in some way or another I will forever see Tony Hale as Buster, though.
WTF of the Week: There's....there's not much I can really say about this that isn't painfully obvious to everyone. Except, of course, to the makers of this product. WHO thought it would be a good idea to make a buttplug for children that turns your poop into different shapes?! And WHO thought it would be a idea to market this?! I tell you what, if my parents tried to give this to me {any parent who does should have their children taken away from them}, I would have rebelled so hard. I think I'm confident in saying that most adults, most, do not want things shoved up their ass, so I'm sure no child want it either! Even if it does make your poop into a star shape.
And the taglines: "What will your kids poop up?" "It's about to get poopy!" There's just no words for this.
Miscellany Funny Picture(s) I've Found: The Song Currently Stuck In My Head: 'Undisclosed Desires' by Muse. Lots of Muse recently, but that's fine since they're my favourite band.
Jackie Earle Haley: Hot Guy Of the Day Chris O'Dowd. See him on 'The IT Crowd' as Roy. He's so damn cute.
Quote of the Day -Roy: "When did the English start drinking like that? You people drink like you don't want to live!"
Anything Else I Can Think Of Band You Should Be Listening To: Guided By Voices. One of the more prominent indie bands of the late 80's and early 90's, and one of the very first. Sadly they broke up awhile ago, but you should listen to their music on either youtube or through legal download {}
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