The Day So Far
Got my computer back today, but not fixed. I'll have to be without it for the weekend to ensure Mom's friend at work will actually be able to work on it. Oh woe.
Actually, you know what? Fuck this. I'm getting Mom to call Dell tomorrow, since the computer is in her name, and rain down fire and brimstone on them to send me a new computer. This is fucking ridiculous.
News/Stuff About Celebrities and Movies/Music/TV Shows/etc.
Celebrity News:
Kanye West was a total dick to Taylor Swift at the VMA's on Sunday night. Even if her video wasn't that good, which I'm told it wasn't, he had no right to do that. Guy has some balls doing something like that, though. Damn. At least Beyonce was classy enough to bring Taylor back up so she could finish her acceptance speech.
Movie News:
According to Harrison Ford, there's going to be yet another Indiana Jones movie. WHY?! Why must George Lucas continue to fuck with things I love?! FFFF What are they going to do this time? Put Indy in space? Have him fighting terrorists? GAH.
Actor News:
Patrick Swayze died, just now one of the many actors/people to die this year. 2009 has been one of the worst years for celebrity deaths I can think of in recent memory. And not even just celebrities, public figures too.
Most Recent Movie(s) I've Seen At Home:

Grade: A
Most Recent Book(s) I've Finished:

Transmetropolitan: Lust For Life {volume 2} and Transmetropolitan: Year of the Bastard {volume 3}. Both continue the story of Spider Jerusalem, that scamp, and possibly stark raving mad, journalist. Things begin to change in these two volumes as you're treated to some rare glimpses of his sensitive side. Volume 3 is my favourite of the two, as it has one of the funniest panels and one of the most surprising panels I've seen in a comic in recent memory.
Grade: A
Funny Picture(s) I've Found:

Enough of Kanye...

'TSP' by Muse. I heard some of the new Muse album yesterday. It's alright so far. It feels like their hearts weren't really in this one, which is a shame, considering how amazing the single 'Uprising' is.
Jackie Earle Haley:

Hot Guy Of the Day
Jensen Ackles. Yes. Yes. Y-E-S. All of that. Can you tell I think he's a hottie?

Quote of the Day
"I don't have time for your warnings. You give my regards to St. Peter. Or whoever has his job, but in Hell."- Captain Hammer
Anything Else I Can Think Of
A Video You Need to See:
Since this song is now in my head, I want to inflict it on everyone else. Sorry.
Oh my god, that PSwayz macro is so awful D: BUT SO FUNNY. Also, Kanye can suck my dick and I don't even have one.
Also, I may or may not have to check out Transmet now. Damn you. FFFFFFF.
Eek, I have the Rum Runner tote finished but I could try my hand at a shirt. xD It's quite addicting, this making stuff thing. lol
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