The Day So Far
I've watched 'Lie to Me' all day, made lunch for myself, did some laundry and cleaned up the mess my cat made with her water in the kitchen. I love Seraph but she is one of the stupidest cats in the world. Has anyone had a cat that would be nice to you while you pet them, and then just attack you for no reason?
News/Stuff About Celebrities and Movies/Music/TV Shows/etc.
Movie News- Mockery of the Week:
On the IMDB poll for today, they're asking what the best Marvel movie is to date, out of the following options:
Blade*, X-Men*, Blade II*, Spiderman*, Daredevil, X2*, Hulk, The Punisher*, Spiderman 2*, Blade: Trinity*, Elektra*, Man-Thing {wtf is this?}, Fantastic Four, X-Men: The Last Stand*, Ghost Rider, Spiderman 3*, Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer,
Now, I don't know about you, but most of these movies I have unfortunately seen {those marked by asterisks}, and most Marvel movies are not good. Blade is the only one I can think of that is even remotely good, and even then it's kind of stupid. I've noticed that a lot of Marvel movies are shitty and a lot of DC movies, at least recently, have been a lot better. Which did you enjoy better? Spiderman or Batman Begins? The Incredible Hulk or
Now that Disney owns Marvel, I'm wondering if the quality of the movies will go up or down.
Funny Picture(s) I've Found:

The Song Currently Stuck In My Head:
'Resistance' by Muse. I still feel like the album is only alright, but this song is growing on me, even though the chorus is incredibly corny. "Love is our resistance"? C'mon, Matt!
Jackie Earle Haley:

Hot Guy Of the Day
Tim Roth. I don't know why, but he is incredibly attractive in 'Lie to Me'. There I said it.

Quote of the Day
-Jayne: "Hey, I got an idea. Instead of us hanging around playing art critic till I get pinched by the Man, how's about we move away from this eerie-ass piece of work and get on with our increasingly eerie-ass day, how's that?"
Anything Else I Can Think Of
Band You Should Be Listening To:

I Want:

A Video You Need to See:
I have to agree, I do enjoy the recent DC movies more than Marvel ones.
And yes Tim Roth is sexay.
Also, Tim Roth. Yes. But ONLY in Lie to Me. I think it's because he's such an asshole. What? I dunno.
Lord, that cake looks delicious!
I hear you on attacking cats! Luli will sometimes just come out of nowhere and attack my ankles. He did it earlier this week while I was working at my desk.
Ehh, I think Marvel has had some good movies lately. I liked The Incredible Hulk with Edward Norton, and Iron Man is just awesome. You should give it a try.
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