The Day So Far
I woke up today at 10:55, after resetting my alarm at 10:45, and didn't know so many things could go wrong within the space of about 15 minutes. Dad called, so I got to talk to him for a bit. While I was on the phone with him, I was making my breakfast; Frosted Flakes. When I poured the milk from the last of the 1/2 gallon over it, it was chunky. So, I tossed a whole bowl of cereal in the garbage. My second try was almost worse, since, though the sell by date was today, it had gone off. I smelled it, but sometimes milk just smells gross. So, I poured a little into a glass and took a sip. It tasted weird and then when I tasted it again, I was almost sick.
So, yes, definitely sour milk. FUUUH.
I worked with Ben and am now relaxing at home before Derek's Halloween party.
News/Stuff About Celebrities and Movies/Music/TV Shows/etc.
Movie News:
According to Daniel Craig, the next James Bond film is scheduled to begin filming sometime next year. I for one am excited at the thought of another Bond film. At least, one with Mr. Craig in it, since he's my favourite Bond {granted, the only other movie with someone else playing Bond in it I've seen has been 'The Spy Who Loved Me', with Roger Moore...truly awful}.
TV News:
According to this article, and Lauren's blog from today, the 10th season of 'Red Dwarf' will launch the 10th season of the show shortly. Now, though this is one of my most favourite television shows ever {I got into it in 5th grade, and have been hooked ever since}, there's a few things wrong with this:
-I don't recall them having a 9th season. Unless you count 'Back to Earth', the recent TV special they did {and I do NOT count that}.
-All of the actors, with the exception of Danny John-Jules {The Cat} and Robert Llewelyn {who has prosthetics put over his face for every episode as Kryten}, are WAY too old to be playing their roles. Chris Barrie and Craig Charles do not look convincing as Lister and Rimmer anymore, and they look more like they want to take a shower and listen to records all evening with wine in their hand while they fall asleep in their armchairs. And, I wasn't aware holograms aged.
-The 7th season of 'Red Dwarf' was almost unbearable, once they reintroduced Kochanski {Lister's recurring love interest from the first season, whom he never actually got together with}, one of the most insipid and annoying characters ever. Or maybe it's just because I didn't like the actress. Whatever the reason, they were really trying to make the show funny in season 7, and I just wasn't feeling it. Season 8 picked up a lot, but comes nowhere near the genius of seasons 3-6.

I thank all the Gods that actually do exist that the American pilot of 'Red Dwarf' never actually got off the ground.
Funny Picture(s) I've Found:

The Song Currently Stuck In My Head:
'Jack's Lament' from the Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack. It's almost Halloween, and I feel I should begin getting in the spirit of the holiday.
Jackie Earle Haley:

Hot Guy Of the Day
David Wenham

-Deb: "You are not allowed to talk about anyone I date as long as you’re seein’ Little Miss "Pardon My Tits". I am sorry, Dex, but she is gross. And pale. And nobody is pale in Miami. She is obviously a vampire. A gross, English, titty vampire."
-Kryten: "Mr. Rimmer is suffering from a stress-related nervous disorder."
-Lister: "Next time I see him he'll be suffering from a fist-related teeth disorder."
Anything Else I Can Think Of
A Video You Need to See:
The question game scene from 'Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead'. If you haven't seen this movie by now, you should be ashamed of yourself. It's got Gary Oldman AND Tim Roth in it.
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