Pet Semetary by Stephen King and The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson. Haunting scared the shit out of me, to the point where I cannot read it with no one around/after dark or I get the creeps.

Also, Semetary's ending scared me so much that I had to have my back against the wall of my stairs in my room as I read it.

'Aliens' is my favourite sci-fi movie, second only to 'Serenity'. Though, if we stick with a Halloween theme, I'd say the TV shows 'Supernatural' and 'Fringe' are the best.
3. Who is your favorite monster?
The Headless Horseman from The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. And as far as actual monsters, I'd have to say vampires, though we're inundated with them now, and it's annoying.
4. What is your favorite Horror movie?
'Fright Night'. It's spooky, scary and very funny. And it has Roddy McDowall and Chris Sarandon in it. :)

'The Haunting' {1963 version}, 'The Descent' and 'The Orphanage'.
6. What character from any horror film would you most like to play?
I'd probably like to be Ripley from 'Alien', since she kicks total ass.

I don't really like either of them, but I'll have to go with Freddy since he can kill you in your dreams, and that's awesome. And also:

8. What is your favorite Halloween treat?
Almond Joys

9. Ghosts or goblins?
Ghosts, by far. Thank you, 'Supernatural'! I've even been ghost hunting in Old Ellicott City and saw numerous orbs.

I usually make friendly ones, but this one is AWESOME:

I was on the phone with one of my current exes, and I was sitting on the floor in front of the stove. While we were talking, the radio that was across the room started making noises, like voices, which raised in volume and then just went away.
Also, when I was on the phone with same ex, we got disconnected, and when I called him back, I heard some weird whispering on the other end. I got freaked out and hung up. He called me back a minute later and went, "What the hell was THAT?!" since he had heard it, too.
12. Do you believe in ghosts? Why or why not?
I do believe in ghosts. I've felt a cold spot in the middle of summer, I've heard ghostly whispering on the phone and through the radio, and one night I heard whistling downstairs when everyone in the house was asleep and I was the only one awake.
Also, I've got numerous photos of orbs that I took in Old Ellicott City, and while they're not necessarily evidence of ghosts, they are often psychic residue or evidence of of it.
13. Would you rather be a zombie, alien, or psycho?
Psycho. They have the most fun before the third act. {Excellent answer, Lauren. I totally agree.}

Of the ones I've worn, when I was Laura Ingalls Wilder in 8th grade. It was so much fun getting to dress up as her.
15. Best thing about Halloween?
All the free candy, and pretending to be someone else for the night.

I would say my uncle or my Dad, since all of us share a love of horror movies, but my Mom likes the decoration aspect of the every other holiday.
17. Are you superstitious?
Not really, though I do knock on wood sometimes.
18. Share an unusual Halloween story.
I don't really have one, actually.
19. What did you do for Halloween as a kid?
Trick or treated.
20. What's the best Halloween party that you've attended?
The one I attended yesterday. There was Rock Banding while in costume. I was Liz Lemon from '30 Rock'.

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