General Blogging
Last night, and by that I mean Monday night/Tuesday morning, I had my first experience with Jagermeister, and I loved every second of it. I'm not a big drinker, per se. By that I mean I have maybe one drink every two months. The price of alcohol and the general taste of it make me not that enthusiastic about drinking. I love mixed drinks, and basically anything where I cannot taste the alcohol I'm drinking. Because of this, Smirnoff Twisted Drinks {black cherry}, Mudslides, White Russians and nearly virgin Dirty Girl Scouts are my favourite drinks ever.
I was hanging with my friends Hugh, Tim, and Tim's brother Jon. For lack of anything better to do, and having just watched 'The Hangover', the four of us went to a drive-thru liquor store {very kind of promotes drunk driving, doesn't it?} and bought a six pack of Mike's Twisted Tea and a 750 ML bottle of Jägermeister, and then took ourselves and the liquor back to Hugh's house.
I really liked the 4 shots of Jäger I had. It made the Mike's Hard Tea taste better than it had been {surprisingly}, though after 4 shots, it made me kind of dizzy, but also made 'Tropic Thunder' even more hilarious than it normally is. By the time we took the 4th shot, after Tugg kills the panda, the four of us were losing our shit. I actually couldn't do my shot then, because I was laughing so hard, and had to calm down before I could take it.
I was then at Hugh's until 2:20, just to make sure I was okay to drive {I was}, and so was actually up until 3 AM. I'm very much looking forward to doing more shots of Jäger.
I am, however, not looking forward to being semi-groped by my drunk friend Tim. That was weird, to say the least.

Also, I have a tumblr account. So, you should add me:
News/Stuff About Celebrities and Movies/Music/TV Shows/etc.
Movie You Should Be Excited About:
I was talking about this film last year, back when all we had was a teaser trailer. I still don't know much more about it, for fear of finding out spoilers, but it is a "sci-fi thriller" and it stars:
Leonardo DiCaprio, Ellen Page, Ken Watanabe, Marion Cotillard, Joseph Gordon Levitt, Tom Hardy and Cillian Murphy.
Just the cast ALONE makes me want to see it, and Chris Nolan as the director? I am so there.
Movie News:
-Sam Mendes is slated to direct the next James Bond film. This would be the second time a director who primarily does dramas will be directing an action film. According to this article, he "has been something of a directorial chameleon in his career, flitting from dramas like 'American Beauty' and 'Revolutionary Road', to the visually stunning and violent graphic novel adaptation, 'Road To Perdition', while he’s even tackled whimsical comedy with 'Away We Go'.
A Bond movie, though, will be his biggest test yet. And, while all his films have looked beautiful, perhaps it was this ability to jump from genre to genre that persuaded EON to approach him. After all, while Bond movies are stylish, they’ve never been overwhelmed by any director’s particular style – so Mendes should fit right in. It’ll be interesting to see the visual approach he’ll bring to Bond."
Actor News:
-Sharon Stone is going to be on four episodes of 'Law and Order: SVU', one of my favourite television shows of all time. According to this article, she will "play a former cop-turned-prosecutor who will (presumably) go toe-to-toe with Benson, Stabler, and the gang." This should be interesting I think, especially if she turns out to be a baddie.
Most Recent Movie(s)/TV Show(s) I've Seen At Home:
'Zach Galifianakis: Live at the Purple Onion'

I'd watch this again, but I'd let a while go by before I did. I do finally understand the "Fugees and Funyuns" thing that Justin had up on his fridge, which was pretty hilarious. I love Seth Galifianakis.
Grade: B-
Funny Picture(s) I've Found:

This sketch will never stop being funny. It's made even funnier when you are listening to the song below while looking at it.

The Song Currently Stuck In My Head:
'Bad Romance' by Lady Gaga. Like all pop music, it gets stuck in my head way too easily. I kind of love her, though, so I don't mind.
Jackie Earle Haley:

Hot Guy Of the Day
Joshua Jackson.

Quote of the Day
-J.D.: "I hate pudding and I don't use toilet paper. I have one of those french things that shoots water up your bum."
-Janitor: "A bidet?"
-J.D.: "Bidet to you, sir."
Anything Else I Can Think Of
A Video You Need to See:
I'm not a big fan of 'Scrubs' anymore {it got pretty awful after awhile}, but this cracks me up something fierce:
1 comment:
You know...that stuff tastes like black licorice to me. BBUT, it makes for good cough meds. XD
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