The daily (hopefully) thoughts of a History major on everything from movies and actors to music and books, as well as any other things I can think of.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
"I know our ways are strange to you, but soon you will join us in the twentieth century, with three whole years to spare."
Giles will have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th century. Also, I personally wouldn't mind being in the Middle Ages...with the ability to go back to the present if I needed to. Title is from 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'.
General Blogging I've applied at more places, and hopefully will have a better job soon, and will have more monies and less woe.
I started the Slim-Fast diet today, and also kept track of what I ate. I only was bad twice; I had about 10 Reese's Pieces and a regular sized Pepsi at Panera {after my forest of a caesar salad}.
News/Stuff About Celebrities and Movies/Music/TV Shows/etc. Most Recent Movie(s)/TV Show(s) I've Seen At Home: 'Mystic River'
Directed by Clint Eastwood, starring Sean Penn, Kevin Bacon, Tim Robbins, Laura Linney and Marcia Gay Haden, based on the book by Dennis Lehane. When Kevin Markum's, played by Sean Penn, young daughter Katie is found, he will stop at nothing to find the killers. Along for the ride are his old childhood friends; Sean Devine, played by Kevin Bacon, who is lead detective on the case, and Dave Boyle, played by Tim Robbins, who through his suspicious behaviour, becomes one of the main suspects in the murder, thanks in part to how weird he has become after a harrowing incident from their childhood. This movie had some serious potential; it was a good drama and had a stellar cast, but the last 5 minutes KILLED the entire movie for me. The ending was such a downer, and kind of stupid, that it forced me to drop the grade from a B to a C-.
Grade: C-
Directed by Bennett Miller, starring Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Catherine Keener, Chris Cooper, Mark Pellegrino and Clifton Collins Jr., 'Capote' tells how Truman Capote writes the first American non-fiction novel; In Cold Blood, and how his relationship with the killers who committed the murders that inspired the book begin to define and change him as a human being. I saw this 5 years ago and only saw about half of it, but I'm glad I gave it another shot. It was beautifully executed and well done. Phillip Seymour Hoffman deserved the Oscar he got; he didn't just imitate Capote, but he became him, and shows us what good acting really is. Everyone else in the film is outstanding as well, and Clifton Collins Jr. gives a particularly haunting performance, evoking sympathy that you wouldn't expect for a murderer.
Grade: B+
Most Recent Book(s) I've Finished: Alive; Story of the Andes Survivors by Piers Paul Read
Since I saw the movie recently, I wanted to know more about what happened {especially since Hollywood has a habit of glossing over things in a way, even with disasters}, and so found this at the bookstore. It was a fascinating story. Parts were gruesome, but it wasn't gratuitous at all, since it was what the survivors really had to go through to survive {eating the brains of the dead and in some cases stripping the dead down to just bones} for 72 days up on the mountain. The only thing that made it a bit hard for me to get through was the fact that those who died had their names changed in the film, and so I spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out who was who from what I had seen in the film. I recommend this book to everyone, as well as the film, if you haven't seen it yet.
Grade: A
Miscellany Funny Picture(s) I've Found:
Joel McHale in drag is HILARIOUS.
The Song Currently Stuck In My Head: 'The Boy Does Nothing' by Alesha Dixon. I dare you to listen to this and not dance while you do it.
Jackie Earle Haley:
Hot Guy Of the Day Chris O'Dowd. I swear, if someone like Roy worked with me, I would never miss work ever. Ever.
Quote of the Day -Bernard: {describing his friends Gerald and Sarah} "And she's an interior designer, she's on that show 'Pet Surprise'." -Manny: "Haven't heard of it." -Bernard: "You know, you know. They take the dog out for a walk, he thinks it's a normal walk and when he gets back the kennels got a patio and french doors!" -Manny: "Ah yeah..." -Bernard: "And he's like, 'Oh my god!'"
WTF? From -"Today, I broke my dominant hand. My teacher insists we hand-write our essays. I called and asked if it was okay for me to type up the essays. She said no. I have two essays due tomorrow, which count for half my grade. FML"
I would hope they explained to the teach about the hand breaking. The teacher is a bitch either way, though.
-"Today, my boyfriend told me he hasn't showered since our first date. We've been dating for three weeks. FML"
Ew. Reminds me of my ex, who gave me the reason he didn't like to brush his teeth as, "I just don't like to." So, you LIKE having dirty teeth and a gross feeling mouth?
-"Today, while my boyfriend and I were eating an ice cream, he put his arm around me and began leaning in for what I thought was a kiss. Instead, he grabbed and began jiggling my stomach fat, along with making raspberry sounds. Once he was done, he did the same to my thighs. FML"
If that dude was my boyfriend, he'd be eating the rest of his ice cream with a black eye.
Anything Else I Can Think Of A Video You Need to See: This kills me every time I see it.
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