General Blogging
-I'm very jealous that Elle gets to go to England next month, and I still cannot go there since I don't have enough money.

-I really don't want to go to work today. I'm sick of working every single Sunday, especially since we have one other part timer who COULD work on Sundays instead of me.
News/Stuff About Celebrities and Movies/Music/TV Shows/etc.
Movie News:
-'Star Trek 2' is set to be released in summer 2012. " Paramount Pictures has set the release date for J.J. Abrams Untitled 'Star Trek' Sequel for June 29, 2012, the weekend before the 4th of July. As of now, no other picture is scheduled to compete against the film on this weekend.
Most of the character that didn't get killed off in the first "Star Trek" should be returning, but no concrete details regarding Abram's plans have been released at this time. The cast rumored to be returning include Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Karl Urban, Zoe Saldana, Simon Pegg, John Cho and Anton Yelchin."

Actor News:
-Jackie Earle Haley will officially not be playing Sinestro in the 'Green Lantern' film.
"Sherlock Holmes" actor Mark Strong is in talks to play Sinestro in the "Green Lantern" movie, according to director Martin Campbell.
Speaking with MTV News during the junket for "Edge of Darkness," his upcoming action thriller opening January 29, Campbell dismissed rumors that "Watchmen" actor Jackie Earle Haley was in talks for the role.
"No, that's completely wrong," said Campbell of the persistent rumor, which popped up again recently despite Haley denying any involvement with the "Green Lantern" movie. "In fact, we're in negotiations with Mark Strong to play Sinestro."
"He's not only a wonderful actor, but he looks like Sinestro," he added. "If you look up old pictures of Sinestro, he's very like him. The Jackie Earle Haley thing, somebody told me about it this morning; I had never heard it before in my life."
Most Recent Movie(s)/TV Show(s) I've Seen At Home:

Directed by Frank Marshall, starring Ethan Hawke, Josh Hamilton, Illeana Douglas and Jack Noseworthy. The movie is about the Uruguayan rugby team that took a plane from Uruguay to Argentina and then crashed in the Andes, in 1972. 45 people were on the plane; the rugby team and their relatives, and of the 45, only 27 survived, only to have 8 more be killed 3 weeks later when an avalanche hit their shelter {the front part of the plane, the only part that remained}. They survived for 70 days in light clothing and minimal shelter on a small amount of food, and, eventually, by eating parts of their dead friends. It's a really really powerful movie, and really makes you think about how resilient humans are. One of the lines in the movie is, "Do you know what it is that we've lived this long the way we have? Seventy days? It's impossible. It's impossible and we did it. I'm proud to be a man on a day like this", and again, it shows how resilient humans are.
I personally don't know how I would, or if I even could, survive 70 days in a place like the Andes with minimal clothing and shelter, and even worse, having to eat the bodies of my dead friends and relatives. I think if it meant a choice between life and death, I would do it. I don't like thinking about it, because frankly it makes me feel a little ill, but...I think I would ultimately do it.
I recommend this movie to everyone. See it if you haven't. It's well worth it.
Grade: A
Funny Picture(s) I've Found:

The Song Currently Stuck In My Head:
'Pressure Suit' by Adult. Very electronic and bouncy.
Jackie Earle Haley:
'Human Target' promo:
This looks AWESOME. It premieres tonight at 8/7 Central on FOX.
Hot Guy Of the Day
Chris Meloni.

-"You're being such a non-pillow right now!"- James Franco, from '30 Rock'
Anything Else I Can Think Of
A Video You Need to See:
I kinda love Zach Galifianakis as his "brother":
1 comment:
LMFAO that Michael Cera pic. Yesssss, I agree. Jesse Eisenberg is so much better at being dorky and awkward. And he's better looking. Truth. I'm still floored that he (Cera) was in Frequency. Damn.
Don't let me forget to watch Human Target tonight! I want to watch it but if I forget to then by the time it's coming on, I won't be bothered. I'm like that -.- So don't let me forget, mmkay? Mmkay. Unless you're going to be, like, at a friend's house watching it or something :B And if I ultimately do forget, and you ultimately do watch it, let me know what you think XD
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