General Blogging
My top artists on LastFM for the last week have been Lady Gaga, Muse, Ludacris, Adam Lambert, Robert Downey Jr., Rufus Wainwright, Papa Roach, Bon Iver, Smashing Pumpkins, The Gits, Rammstein, Lostprophets, Bright Eyes, Placebo and Patrick Wolf. That's a weird mix if I ever saw one. All I need is some country music up in there and I'm good to go with eclecticity, if I can use that word.
I went to DC with Rebekah and her boyfriend Ryan today, and even though our objective was to go to the Natural History Museum, all we really did was walk through one of the Natural History Museum's halls and try to find a place to eat. We went to the National Art Gallery and then finally walked down to Independence Avenue and found a Quizno's.

News/Stuff About Celebrities and Movies/Music/TV Shows/etc.
Actor News:
-MTV is calling Sam Worthington the new Leonardo DiCaprio. This article offers all the evidence you might need to either reject or support this claim.

I personally don't agree with this summation. While both have the eye-candy and desirability factor going for them, I think Leo's a much better actor. Sam's not bad, but if he's going to be called the "next Leonardo DiCaprio", he has a long way to go, acting-wise. Now, admittedly, I've only seen 'Terminator: Salvation' and 'Avatar', and he does put his heart into the roles, one detrimental thing of Sam stands out immediately; he needs to maintain control of the accent he's put on for the roles. I've never had to sustain an accent different from my own for more than two minutes, let alone the entirety of a movie/TV show, but Leo did it quite well in 'Blood Diamond'. Hugh Laurie does an amazing job of it in 'House', and Tim Roth does a really good job of it in quite a few of his movies.

So, to get to my actual point; I think Sam has potential, as far as acting goes, but he has a long way to go before he can be called the "next Leo DiCaprio", or really the next anyone.
Funny Picture(s) I've Found:

The Song Currently Stuck In My Head:
'The Futurist' by Robert Downey Jr. You didn't know he could sing? Well, yes, he can. He's what I like to call a triple threat. Awesome actor, awesome singer and he's so hot he can look at a woman and get her pregnant. Okay, that last one hasn't been proven, but scientists are working gathering the evidence so that his fans can have his children one day.
Jackie Earle Haley:

Hot Guy Of the Day
Johnny Depp.

Quote of the Day
-"If we talked about anything else, we might expose the fact that most of our arrogance is based on exploiting a fashionable alienation rather than on anything substantial. {Eerie moment of clarity}"- Dylan, Johnny the Homicidal Maniac
Anything Else I Can Think Of
I Want:
Twisted Tea, thanks to Justin talking about it.

A Video You Need to See:
Despite me saying I'm not super into 'Scrubs' anymore, I do still enjoy the older seasons {pre season 5} and how funny they are. Case in point:
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