The Day So Far
I watched 'The Breakfast Club' yet again and spent most of the afternoon reading since I didn't have my computer.
Ben and I worked together and had a big bunch of crazy in the evening -_-
I was going to buy some books, but figured I could save my money, and so came home and watched 'The Last King of Scotland'.
News/Stuff About Celebrities and Movies/Music/TV Shows/etc.
Movie You Should Be Excited About:
'Taking Woodstock'
This is going to be an fabulous ensemble movie; Jeffrey Dean Morgan {JDM}, Paul Dano, Liev Schreiber...among many others. And, if you're a fan of Woodstock, you'll probably know about this anyway.
Movie News:
Apparently, the 'Aliens' franchise is going to be entirely remade. They're redoing all of the movies.
And you know, it's shit like this that pisses me off more than anything. Especially when NEW movies like, oh, I don't know, 'Shutter Island', are pushed back because of "lack of money". If studios have enough money to continually remake GOOD movies and turn them into shitty ones, they should have enough money to promote 'Shutter Island' at least three times over.
And don't even get me started on how mad I am about the 'Fright Night' remake. GOD!
Most Recent Movie(s) I've Seen At Home:

The film is very brutal. It's told through the eyes of a fictional person, played by James McAvoy, but the deeds they say Amin have done {killing 300,000 of his own people, for example} are real. The last half hour of the film or so are especially brutal in particular. Forest Whitaker is terrifying as Amin and brings a scary authenticity to the role.
Grade: A
Funny Picture(s) I've Found:

Yeah, there's really nothing I can say about this that isn't already apparent. Star Wars + season 2 of Project Runway = AWESOME

The Song Currently Stuck In My Head:
'Breakaway' by Kelly Clarkson. It's a really catchy song, and was brought to my attention through my friend, Erin, who used in a Jackie Earle Haley retrospective video.
Jackie Earle Haley:

Hot Guy Of the Day
Patrick Wilson

Quote of the Day
-White Goodman: "Here at Globo Gym, we realise that "ugliness" and "fatness" are genetic disorders, much like baldness, or necrophilia."
Anything Else I Can Think Of
Band You Should Be Listening To:

I Want:

A Video You Need to See:
I haven't thought about 'Heroes' in forever, but this is way too hilarious not to share. Also, I hate 'South Park'. No, I will not listen to your pleas to "give it another chance". Not going to happen:
1 comment:
Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Paul Dano and Liev Schreiber in one movie? MUST WATCH!
And of course there's no explanation needed for wanting that shirt. It's awesome and I want it too!
Oh, and what the crap? They're redoing the entire Aliens franchise? I agree, why not use the money to promote new movies? FFFFFFFF
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