Those are the rules of shotgun, don't you know? Title is from 'Supernatural'.
General Blogging I just finished my season 1 rewatch of 'Supernatural'. Because of a behind the scenes interview with Jensen and Jared, where Jensen mentioned there was a drinking game where whenever Sam says "Dean", you take a shot or something. After I saw this, I noticed that Sam says his brother's name an awful lot, and so decided to keep track of it throughout the series. And to keep it fair, I decided to see how many times Dean says "Sam" throughout the show as well.
Final count for season 1: -Number of times Sam says "Dean": 138 -Number of times Dean says "Sam": 130
Seems like a lot, doesn't it? I may have missed one or two, but on the whole, this is pretty accurate.
Next time I rewatch the show, I need to keep track of Dean's Blue Steel model faces.
News/Stuff About Celebrities and Movies/Music/TV Shows/etc. Actor News: -Orlando Bloom has said he would be willing to reprise his role as Legolas in 'The Hobbit'. The thing about that, is that Legolas was not in The Hobbit. I could see him as Thranduil, Legolas's father, though it would be weird seeing him as the mirror image of his son, and I think too many people would be confused about it.
Miscellany Funny Picture(s) I've Found:
Insanity Wolf knows what's up.
The Song Currently Stuck In My Head: 'Papa Don't Preach' by Kelly Osbourne. I didn't realise this song was a cover of a Madonna song until last year. Don't judge, I didn't start listening to pop music until the late 90's, and they never played it on the radio. Also, my parents hate Madonna, so I never heard it in the house growing up.
Jackie Earle Haley:
Hot Guy Of the Day Val Emmich.
Quote of the Day -Bender: "You won't accept a guy's tongue in your mouth and you're gonna eat that?"
Anything Else I Can Think Of A Video You Need to See: Even Nicholas Cage is grossed out by his own acting:
Giles will have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th century. Also, I personally wouldn't mind being in the Middle Ages...with the ability to go back to the present if I needed to. Title is from 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'.
General Blogging I've applied at more places, and hopefully will have a better job soon, and will have more monies and less woe.
I started the Slim-Fast diet today, and also kept track of what I ate. I only was bad twice; I had about 10 Reese's Pieces and a regular sized Pepsi at Panera {after my forest of a caesar salad}.
News/Stuff About Celebrities and Movies/Music/TV Shows/etc. Most Recent Movie(s)/TV Show(s) I've Seen At Home: 'Mystic River'
Directed by Clint Eastwood, starring Sean Penn, Kevin Bacon, Tim Robbins, Laura Linney and Marcia Gay Haden, based on the book by Dennis Lehane. When Kevin Markum's, played by Sean Penn, young daughter Katie is found, he will stop at nothing to find the killers. Along for the ride are his old childhood friends; Sean Devine, played by Kevin Bacon, who is lead detective on the case, and Dave Boyle, played by Tim Robbins, who through his suspicious behaviour, becomes one of the main suspects in the murder, thanks in part to how weird he has become after a harrowing incident from their childhood. This movie had some serious potential; it was a good drama and had a stellar cast, but the last 5 minutes KILLED the entire movie for me. The ending was such a downer, and kind of stupid, that it forced me to drop the grade from a B to a C-.
Grade: C-
Directed by Bennett Miller, starring Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Catherine Keener, Chris Cooper, Mark Pellegrino and Clifton Collins Jr., 'Capote' tells how Truman Capote writes the first American non-fiction novel; In Cold Blood, and how his relationship with the killers who committed the murders that inspired the book begin to define and change him as a human being. I saw this 5 years ago and only saw about half of it, but I'm glad I gave it another shot. It was beautifully executed and well done. Phillip Seymour Hoffman deserved the Oscar he got; he didn't just imitate Capote, but he became him, and shows us what good acting really is. Everyone else in the film is outstanding as well, and Clifton Collins Jr. gives a particularly haunting performance, evoking sympathy that you wouldn't expect for a murderer.
Grade: B+
Most Recent Book(s) I've Finished: Alive; Story of the Andes Survivors by Piers Paul Read
Since I saw the movie recently, I wanted to know more about what happened {especially since Hollywood has a habit of glossing over things in a way, even with disasters}, and so found this at the bookstore. It was a fascinating story. Parts were gruesome, but it wasn't gratuitous at all, since it was what the survivors really had to go through to survive {eating the brains of the dead and in some cases stripping the dead down to just bones} for 72 days up on the mountain. The only thing that made it a bit hard for me to get through was the fact that those who died had their names changed in the film, and so I spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out who was who from what I had seen in the film. I recommend this book to everyone, as well as the film, if you haven't seen it yet.
Grade: A
Miscellany Funny Picture(s) I've Found:
Joel McHale in drag is HILARIOUS.
The Song Currently Stuck In My Head: 'The Boy Does Nothing' by Alesha Dixon. I dare you to listen to this and not dance while you do it.
Jackie Earle Haley:
Hot Guy Of the Day Chris O'Dowd. I swear, if someone like Roy worked with me, I would never miss work ever. Ever.
Quote of the Day -Bernard: {describing his friends Gerald and Sarah} "And she's an interior designer, she's on that show 'Pet Surprise'." -Manny: "Haven't heard of it." -Bernard: "You know, you know. They take the dog out for a walk, he thinks it's a normal walk and when he gets back the kennels got a patio and french doors!" -Manny: "Ah yeah..." -Bernard: "And he's like, 'Oh my god!'"
WTF? From -"Today, I broke my dominant hand. My teacher insists we hand-write our essays. I called and asked if it was okay for me to type up the essays. She said no. I have two essays due tomorrow, which count for half my grade. FML"
I would hope they explained to the teach about the hand breaking. The teacher is a bitch either way, though.
-"Today, my boyfriend told me he hasn't showered since our first date. We've been dating for three weeks. FML"
Ew. Reminds me of my ex, who gave me the reason he didn't like to brush his teeth as, "I just don't like to." So, you LIKE having dirty teeth and a gross feeling mouth?
-"Today, while my boyfriend and I were eating an ice cream, he put his arm around me and began leaning in for what I thought was a kiss. Instead, he grabbed and began jiggling my stomach fat, along with making raspberry sounds. Once he was done, he did the same to my thighs. FML"
If that dude was my boyfriend, he'd be eating the rest of his ice cream with a black eye.
Anything Else I Can Think Of A Video You Need to See: This kills me every time I see it.
General Blogging Today will be the day when I start my new job search. This will entail also calling said places I've applied to and trying to see if they've even looked at my damn application.
News/Stuff About Celebrities and Movies/Music/TV Shows/etc. Movie You Should Be Excited About: 'MacGruber'
I wasn't on board with this until I saw the trailer {except for the fact that Jorma Taccone, one of the many men in my Boys Folder, is directing it}, and now I am 100% on board. I think this and 'The A-Team' will be my action movies to look forward to for this year.
Plus? Val Kilmer as the villain? AWESOME.
Starring: Will Forte, Kristen Wiig, Ryan Phillipe, Val Kilmer, Maya Rudolph and Bill Hader.
Movie News: I was recently introduced to the graphic novel Scott Pilgrim, and reading it, I was struck by how much I hated the two main characters; Scott Pilgrim and Ramona Flowers. I was assured by Ben that that's acceptable since both of them are total jerks. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the book and then was told by Ben that it was being made into a movie, directed by Edgar Wright, and starring Michael Cera as Scott Pilgrim.
I personally think Jesse Eisenberg could do a much better job as Scott, since he is a better actor and is much less ANNOYING than Michael Cera. Though, seeing this picture makes me think he might do alright:
And if Edgar Wright is directing it, it will be amazing either way. This is the kind of thing where the supporting characters are a lot better than the main ones.
Miscellany Funny Picture(s) I've Found:
'Watchmen' humour and anything making fun of 'CSI: Miami' is always topical.
The Song Currently Stuck In My Head: 'Fast Car' by Tracy Chapman. It's very old, but I was reintroduced to it the other day, and it's wormed its way into my brain.
Jackie Earle Haley:
Hot Guy Of the Day Jason Sudeikis.
Pardon me while I have a conniption fit. Jesus Christ. I did not like the 'Riley' sketch that was on 'SNL' on Sunday, but dear GOD Jason looked super fine in it. The glasses are a major part of this, plus his overall hotness, I think.
Quote of the Day -Jason Sudeikis: "Booble it!" -Seth Meyers: "I think you mean Google." -Jason Sudeikis: "I mean you could do that, but Booble's a lot faster."
Anything Else I Can Think Of A Video You Need to See: This is old, but it's hilarious. Alec Baldwin slays me, and I kind of love him a lot.
No one should disrespect lesbians. Title is from '30 Rock'.
General Blogging -I'm very jealous that Elle gets to go to England next month, and I still cannot go there since I don't have enough money.
I want to see all the cultural and historical places...and I want to see all the hot British men. I mean...
-I really don't want to go to work today. I'm sick of working every single Sunday, especially since we have one other part timer who COULD work on Sundays instead of me.
News/Stuff About Celebrities and Movies/Music/TV Shows/etc. Movie News: -'Star Trek 2' is set to be released in summer 2012. " Paramount Pictures has set the release date for J.J. Abrams Untitled 'Star Trek' Sequel for June 29, 2012, the weekend before the 4th of July. As of now, no other picture is scheduled to compete against the film on this weekend.
Most of the character that didn't get killed off in the first "Star Trek" should be returning, but no concrete details regarding Abram's plans have been released at this time. The cast rumored to be returning include Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Karl Urban, Zoe Saldana, Simon Pegg, John Cho and Anton Yelchin."
I cannot wait for the second movie! I love all the people in the first one. I'm a casual Star Trek fan, but only because of this film.
Actor News: -Jackie Earle Haley will officially not be playing Sinestro in the 'Green Lantern' film.
"Sherlock Holmes" actor Mark Strong is in talks to play Sinestro in the "Green Lantern" movie, according to director Martin Campbell.
Speaking with MTV News during the junket for "Edge of Darkness," his upcoming action thriller opening January 29, Campbell dismissed rumors that "Watchmen" actor Jackie Earle Haley was in talks for the role.
"He's not only a wonderful actor, but he looks like Sinestro," he added. "If you look up old pictures of Sinestro, he's very like him. The Jackie Earle Haley thing, somebody told me about it this morning; I had never heard it before in my life."
Most Recent Movie(s)/TV Show(s) I've Seen At Home: 'Alive'
Directed by Frank Marshall, starring Ethan Hawke, Josh Hamilton, Illeana Douglas and Jack Noseworthy. The movie is about the Uruguayan rugby team that took a plane from Uruguay to Argentina and then crashed in the Andes, in 1972. 45 people were on the plane; the rugby team and their relatives, and of the 45, only 27 survived, only to have 8 more be killed 3 weeks later when an avalanche hit their shelter {the front part of the plane, the only part that remained}. They survived for 70 days in light clothing and minimal shelter on a small amount of food, and, eventually, by eating parts of their dead friends. It's a really really powerful movie, and really makes you think about how resilient humans are. One of the lines in the movie is, "Do you know what it is that we've lived this long the way we have? Seventy days? It's impossible. It's impossible and we did it. I'm proud to be a man on a day like this", and again, it shows how resilient humans are.
I personally don't know how I would, or if I even could, survive 70 days in a place like the Andes with minimal clothing and shelter, and even worse, having to eat the bodies of my dead friends and relatives. I think if it meant a choice between life and death, I would do it. I don't like thinking about it, because frankly it makes me feel a little ill, but...I think I would ultimately do it.
I recommend this movie to everyone. See it if you haven't. It's well worth it.
Grade: A
Miscellany Funny Picture(s) I've Found:
This is incredibly true, and still no less annoying.
The Song Currently Stuck In My Head: 'Pressure Suit' by Adult. Very electronic and bouncy.
Jackie Earle Haley: 'Human Target' promo:
This looks AWESOME. It premieres tonight at 8/7 Central on FOX.
Hot Guy Of the Day Chris Meloni.
Quote of the Day -"You're being such a non-pillow right now!"- James Franco, from '30 Rock'
Anything Else I Can Think Of A Video You Need to See: I kinda love Zach Galifianakis as his "brother":
I don't know about you, but getting stabbed makes me feel good inside. Title is from 'Firefly'.
General Blogging I'm still wallowing in money issues, but I'm going to start applying to more places again. I'm going to make myself call them this time. I really don't want to hear something like, "You can check the status of your application online", but it's something I'll have to deal with. This way I can weed out the places I should be working.
News/Stuff About Celebrities and Movies/Music/TV Shows/etc. Movie You Should Be Excited About:
While I’ve never seen a single episode of ‘The A-Team’, this looks retardedly awesome, and I have to see it. Plus, any excuse to look at shirtless Bradley Cooper is a good one. I also enjoy that Liam Neeson and Sharlto Copley are in it. Particularly that this is Sharlto’s second film.
Directed by: Joe Carnahan Starring: Bradley Cooper, Liam Neeson, Sharlto Copley, Jessica Biel and Patrick Wilson.
Movie News: -On Wednesday, the Academy Awards' "visual effects branch announced on Wednesday that the shortlist of 15 movies, released in mid-December, has been whittled down to seven films.
"Avatar" heads the alphabetic list, followed by "District 9," "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince," "Star Trek," "Terminator Salvation," "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" and "2012." No longer in contention are: "Angels & Demons," "Coraline," "Disney's A Christmas Carol," "G-Force," "G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra," "Sherlock Holmes," "Watchmen" and "Where the Wild Things Are."
Okay. Everyone is creaming themselves over 'Avatar', and I have to say, it deserves the attention it got for the visual effects, but why would you take out other films like 'Watchmen' and 'Where the Wild Things Are'? They have amazing special effects. 'Transformers'? Really? You can't tell what the fuck is going on half the time! 'Star Trek'? I'm sorry, but it's full of lens-flares, and while that's nice, it's not exactly something I would have picked for being nominated for visual effects. 'Terminator: Salvation'? REALLY? It was a good movie, but mediocre in almost every aspect, so why it's on there, I have no idea.
Why 'G-Force' and 'G.I. Joe' were even on this list is beyond me. Same with 'Sherlock Holmes' {What amazing visual effects were in the movie?}, though I liked the movie very much.
I really hope, thought I doubt this will happen, that 'District 9' wins for visual effects. I know it's an incredible long shot, but I am so sick of hearing about 'Avatar' at this point that I don't care
Actor News: -Peter Sarsgaard is set to be the villain in the upcoming 'Green Lantern' movie. According to this article, he's "in talks to play Dr. Hector Hammond. Here's the first place we're seeing Martin Campbell's Lantern split from the comic book canon. In the comics, Hammond is simply a petty criminal who stumbles on a meteor that all around it with superpowers. He promptly captures some scientists and exposes them to it, and sells all their amazing inventions as his own. Eventually, he became a big-headed superbeing who could enforce his will on others. In the film, Hammond will be a doctor. He's a a brilliant pathologist but seen as an utter failure by his senator father. He discovers a meteor that grants him psychic powers. I'm sure he'll turn those powers to profit, become corrupted, and catch the all-policing eye of Hal Jordan. Then he'll become obsessed with obtaining godlike powers just to defeat Hal Jordan. You can give a man a doctorate, but you can't take away his baser motivations, can you?
Few play brainy evil as well as Sarsgaard, so I think he's a great pick. He certainly adds some dramatic weight to the movie. But it still hinges on Sinestro because whoever they cast now has to outmenace Sarsgaard."
I'm glad he's getting more work. I need more of Peter Sarsgaard in my life.
Miscellany Funny Picture(s) I've Found:
The Song Currently Stuck In My Head: 'Psalms 40:2' by The Mountain Goats, off of their new album 'The Life of the World to Come'
Jackie Earle Haley:
They're counting down the days until 'Human Target' premieres {This Sunday!}
Hot Guy Of the Day Jeremy Renner.
He's to the left of the picture. And he's up for an Academy Award for 'The Hurt Locker'. I REALLY hope he gets it.
Quote of the Day -Sam: "“Kids are the best”? You don't even like kids." -Dean: "I love kids." -Sam: "Name three children that you even know." (Dean thinks and Sam begins to walk away. Dean scratches his head) -Dean: "I'm thinking!"
{I think I know what show I'm going to start watching again soon}
Always a wise choice. Title is from 'Supernatural'.
General Blogging One day, I'm going to keep a running count of how many times Sam says "Dean" and how many times Dean says "Sam" in each season. I'll have to wait until September to tally up the total for season 5, but if I can put off the end of the series until then, I am good.
Even though I don't want the show to end, as I've said about 100 times now, I'd rather it end on a high note {and while it's still good}, than 3 seasons later when it's jumped the shark about five times and is simply awful, but you're only watching it for one reason.
Yeah, I can't think of a reason why you'd still be watching it then. Nope. Not a one.
News/Stuff About Celebrities and Movies/Music/TV Shows/etc. Most Recent Movie(s)/TV Show(s) I've Seen At Home: 'Tropic Thunder'
Directed by Ben Stiller, starring Ben Stiller, Jack Black, Robert Downey Jr., Steve Coogan, Jay Baruchel and Danny McBride {and that's just for starters}. Almost everyone has seen this movie by now, and so I'll skip the plot synopsis and go straight for the review; I went from thinking the movie was funny, but kind of just alright, to outright loving the film. I felt the same way about 'Anchorman', and noticed that both of them have the trait of getting funnier each time you see them. Even taking all that out, if the plot sucked, or you didn't like it, definitely see if for Robert Downey Jr., who pretty much MAKES the entire movie. He has some of the best and funniest lines in the whole film, and for a film that's mostly improv, that makes them even better.
Grade: A
Miscellany Funny Picture(s) I've Found:
Yep, this is pretty truthful to life.
The Song Currently Stuck In My Head: 'Teeth' by Lady Gaga. I've been listening to her a lot in the last few days. I guess it's the pop lover in me.
Jackie Earle Haley:
Hot Guy Of the Day Jason Bateman
Quote of the Day -Bart: "Mom! My slingshot doesn't fit in these pockets. And these shorts leave nothing to the imagination. These uniforms suck!"
-Marge: "Bart, where do you pick up words like that?"
-Homer: {on phone} "Yeah, Moe, that team sure did suck last night! They just plain sucked! I've seen teams suck before, but they were the suckiest bunch of sucks that ever sucked!"
-Marge: "Homer!"
-Homer: "I gotta go. My damn wiener kids are listening."
WTF? From's article '20 Baby Products Great For Traumatizing Infants', the Baby Mop was number 7.
I honestly don't know what's more disturbing; the actual product or the description of the product.
Anything Else I Can Think Of A Video You Need to See:
I'm pretty sure that's incorrect, but nice try, Ron Burgundy. Title is from 'Anchorman'.
General Blogging My top artists on LastFM for the last week have been Lady Gaga, Muse, Ludacris, Adam Lambert, Robert Downey Jr., Rufus Wainwright, Papa Roach, Bon Iver, Smashing Pumpkins, The Gits, Rammstein, Lostprophets, Bright Eyes, Placebo and Patrick Wolf. That's a weird mix if I ever saw one. All I need is some country music up in there and I'm good to go with eclecticity, if I can use that word.
I went to DC with Rebekah and her boyfriend Ryan today, and even though our objective was to go to the Natural History Museum, all we really did was walk through one of the Natural History Museum's halls and try to find a place to eat. We went to the National Art Gallery and then finally walked down to Independence Avenue and found a Quizno's.
A JEH podcast was attempted when I returned home, but thanks to technology fail, it had to be rescheduled.
News/Stuff About Celebrities and Movies/Music/TV Shows/etc. Actor News: -MTV is calling Sam Worthington the new Leonardo DiCaprio. This article offers all the evidence you might need to either reject or support this claim.
I personally don't agree with this summation. While both have the eye-candy and desirability factor going for them, I think Leo's a much better actor. Sam's not bad, but if he's going to be called the "next Leonardo DiCaprio", he has a long way to go, acting-wise. Now, admittedly, I've only seen 'Terminator: Salvation' and 'Avatar', and he does put his heart into the roles, one detrimental thing of Sam stands out immediately; he needs to maintain control of the accent he's put on for the roles. I've never had to sustain an accent different from my own for more than two minutes, let alone the entirety of a movie/TV show, but Leo did it quite well in 'Blood Diamond'. Hugh Laurie does an amazing job of it in 'House', and Tim Roth does a really good job of it in quite a few of his movies.
Even Heath Ledger was able to put his Aussie accent to the side for almost every movie he was in and maintain a believable American accent. David Anders, who was Mr. Sark in 'Alias' and Adam Monroe/Takezo Kensei in 'Heroes', had a hell of a British accent, to the point where I thought that he was British, and was astonished to learn he was American.
So, to get to my actual point; I think Sam has potential, as far as acting goes, but he has a long way to go before he can be called the "next Leo DiCaprio", or really the next anyone.
Miscellany Funny Picture(s) I've Found:
The Song Currently Stuck In My Head: 'The Futurist' by Robert Downey Jr. You didn't know he could sing? Well, yes, he can. He's what I like to call a triple threat. Awesome actor, awesome singer and he's so hot he can look at a woman and get her pregnant. Okay, that last one hasn't been proven, but scientists are working gathering the evidence so that his fans can have his children one day.
Jackie Earle Haley:
Hot Guy Of the Day Johnny Depp.
Quote of the Day -"If we talked about anything else, we might expose the fact that most of our arrogance is based on exploiting a fashionable alienation rather than on anything substantial. {Eerie moment of clarity}"- Dylan, Johnny the Homicidal Maniac
Anything Else I Can Think Of I Want: Twisted Tea, thanks to Justin talking about it.
A Video You Need to See: Despite me saying I'm not super into 'Scrubs' anymore, I do still enjoy the older seasons {pre season 5} and how funny they are. Case in point: